"Balanced" is a term you might hear quite a bit when discussing livestock, and it's much like trying to find harmony in a beautifully composed photograph.

Typically, 'balanced' refers to an animal's proportionality or symmetry when viewed from the side. It's about the puzzle pieces of the animal's physique fitting together just right. For instance, does the chest and rear flank seem proportional? Do the various elements of their body structure create a harmonious silhouette?

An animal might be considered 'unbalanced' if their chest was deeper and their rear flank was shallower, sort of like a seesaw tipped too much in one direction. So, when we say 'balanced', we're referring to the harmonious, proportional layout of an animal's body, where all the different components seem to fit together perfectly.
Questions that use this term.
Which horse was the most correctly balanced?
Which horse was the most correctly balanced?
Which steer's big practical body type has not only kept them powerful and allowed them to lay on finish smoothly but also kept them balanced?
Who is the stale, light-muscled sheep that is also the frailest-boned and poorest-balanced?
Who is a stout-boned, powerful, well-balanced steer that is also the soundest on the move?
Who is the nice balanced, extended bull, who is put together so correctly, but needs to open up bolder through their forerib?
Between #1 and #3, which gilt is more balanced?
Who is a maternal, smooth-made, soft-jointed heifer that's nicely balanced, but is also giving up some visual growth?
Which steer is the better balanced?
Who is the nicest, most balanced, and stylishly fronted doe?
Which steer am I describing - a nice balanced, long-bodied steer that is the flattest and narrowest from behind?
Which is the most powerful goat that also blends it with the highest quality, most balanced look?
Between #1 and #2, which goat is the shallower-chested, nicer-balanced goat?
Which steer is the heaviest-fronted, most unbalanced steer?
Between #3 and #4, which lamb is the smoothest-shouldered, nicest-balanced lamb?
Which sheep is the most proportionally balanced and best in its design from the side?
Which steer is the poorest balanced?
What ewe is the nicest balanced, most complete female in the class?
Which heifer is the nicest balanced female?
Which steer is huge ribbed, wide constructed, extremely good on its feet and legs, and balanced from the side view?
Which is the nicest balanced steer, particularly through his front 1/3, that is also the best-structured steer?
Which is the best balanced, most capacious heifer that is very correct in its structure?
Who is the nice balanced, tall-fronted, and strong-toplined lamb?
Which horse was the most correctly balanced?
Which heifer is the best balanced, highest quality female?
Which gelding was the most balanced?
Which cow had an unbalanced udder, particularly on the left side?
Between steer #3 and steer #4, which steer needs to be smoother in its finish and more balanced from the side?
Which lamb is the deepest-chested and most poorly balanced?
Who would you describe as a wide constructed, well balanced lamb, who needs more shape?
Which bull is the most balanced?
Which heifer is the least balanced?
Who is the longest-necked steer that is the most balanced from the profile?
Which heifer is the coarsest built and poorly balanced?
Which heifer is the best balanced?
Which heifer is the most attractive in profiling and the most nicely balanced?
Who is a smooth-shouldered, expressively muscled steer that is the most attractive and balanced from the side?
Which sheep best combines skeletal width, compositional correctness, and a balanced look from the profile?
Which steer is the lightest muscled and least balanced?
Which doe is the poorest balanced between #2 and #3?
Which doe is the most balanced?
Which steer is the deepest chested and tightest flanked, making them the least balanced?
Between #3 and #4, who is more athletic and better balanced?
Between #3 and #4, which barrow is more attractive about their front end and better balanced?
Which ewe best combines skeletal width and rib shape with a balanced, good built look?
Between #2 and #4, which one is smoother patterned and nicer balanced?
Which is the least balanced horse in the class?
Which is the highest quality and most nicely balanced heifer in the class?
Between #3 and #4, which is the better-balanced and better-looking steer?
Which ewe was the poorest balanced?
Which animal is the poorest balanced and least coordinated in its topline?
Between #3 and #4, who is smoother and better balanced?
Who is the ultra attractive, balanced calf that has more than enough muscle?
Who is the fresh-centered, good-balanced gilt?
Between #2 and #4, who is smoother, fresher hided, and better balanced?
Between #1 and #3, who is better balanced?
Of the ewes born in 2023, who is the most balanced?
Which goat is the plainest in its look and the poorest balanced?
Between the two black heifers, which one is more balanced in its overall look?
Between the pair of poorer balanced goats, who is taller in stature and longer in neck length?
Which barrow breaks behind its blade and is the poorest balanced?
Which heifer is the poorest balanced?
Between #2 and #3, which heifer is better balanced?
Which doe is extremely deep-bodied but also off-balanced and weak-shouldered?
Between the two smokes, which one is more balanced from the side?
Who is the heaviest muscled, widest constructed, best balanced bull?
Between #2 and #3, who is the shallower-chested, better balanced option?
Species Distribution of Term
Distribution of the types of classes in our database this term is used in.