"Wrinkled" refers to the appearance of an animal's ham-loin junction, a critical part of their structure located at the top rear section of the animal where the ham (or rear leg) meets the loin. If an animal is described as "wrinkled" in this area, it means that the animal's skin and underlying muscle appear to have a folded or creased quality, suggesting a significant concentration of muscle mass.
A "wrinkled" ham-loin junction can be an indicator of a well-muscled animal, particularly in hogs, where this characteristic is often noted. However, this is not a trait that's desirable in all contexts, and the degree of "wrinkling" is most optimally balanced with other physical traits for overall proportion and balance.
A "wrinkled" ham-loin junction can be an indicator of a well-muscled animal, particularly in hogs, where this characteristic is often noted. However, this is not a trait that's desirable in all contexts, and the degree of "wrinkling" is most optimally balanced with other physical traits for overall proportion and balance.
Questions that use this term.
Which hog is the shortest and roundest out of its hip and the most wrinkled in its ham loin?
Which sheep is wrinkled-hided?
Which hog is the most wrinkled in his ham-loin?
Species Distribution of Term
Distribution of the types of classes in our database this term is used in.