"Belted" refers to a color pattern mostly found in hogs. It looks like the hog is wearing a white belt, with different colored skin or hair at the head and rump. The white band can be thin or wide, sometimes covering most of the ribcage.

Although belted hogs are mostly black, like Hampshires, you can also see red and blue belted hogs. The belt is always white, but the color on the rest of the hog's body can be red or blue. So, a belted hog is pretty easy to spot.
Questions that use this term.
Who is the long-tailed, broken-belted gilt?
Between the two belted hogs, which hog is the widest-chested?
Who is the wide-belted gilt?
Of the belted hogs, which is most concerning off of their rear two?
Who is the belted gilt?
Who is the traditional belted gilt?
Who is the thin belted gilt that is naturally a bit shorter and tighter out of her hip - it has caused her to walk outside of her skeleton as she drives away?
Between the slowest growing gilts, who is belted?
What number is the red belted gilt?
Which gilt is broken belted?
Who is the wide belted gilt?
Which pig was the belted pig?
Which gilt is broken belted?
Between the belted gilts, who is "cranked" higher at the base of their tail?
Between #3 and #4, which gilt is belted?
I am a smooth-made, belted gilt that is plainer in their shape, who am I?
Of the two belted hogs, which has a higher cutability?
Species Distribution of Term
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