Tougher Jawed
"Tougher jawed" is a term that's been getting popular, especially with hogs. A tougher jawed hog has a stouter, stronger-looking jaw. It's thought that in hogs, the size and shape of their skull and jaw can give you clues about how wide and muscular they are.
So, if you see a hog that's tougher jawed, it's often considered a good thing. It suggests the hog has got some serious muscle, making it more desirable for both breeding and market purposes.
So, if you see a hog that's tougher jawed, it's often considered a good thing. It suggests the hog has got some serious muscle, making it more desirable for both breeding and market purposes.
Questions that use this term.
Who is tougher jawed and bigger armed between #2 and #4?
Between #1 and #2, who is the stouter-skulled, tougher-jawed option?
Between #2 and #3, who is tougher jawed and stouter about their foot size and features?
Between #3 and #4, who is tougher jawed and stouter featured?
Species Distribution of Term
Distribution of the types of classes in our database this term is used in.