Questions that use this term.
Between #1 and #4, who is longer bodied?
Between #2 and #4, who is longer-bodied?
Between #2 and #3, which steer is heavier structured, longer bodied, and more extended from the profile?
Between #1 and #3, who is longer fronted, taller shouldered, and longer bodied?
Between #1 and #2, who is longer bodied?
Between the two heavier conditioned pigs, which one is longer-bodied and later maturing?
Between #2 and #3, which gilt is taller at the point of their shoulder, longer bodied, squarer, and truer at the ground?
Between #3 and #4, which animal is longer bodied?
Between #1 and #2, which hog is taller shouldered and longer bodied?
Between #1 and #3, who is longer-bodied?
Species Distribution of Term
Distribution of the types of classes in our database this term is used in.