Can I upgrade with a check?

We accept direct check payments for subscriptions and can upgrade your account immediately upon receiving payment, ensuring immediate access.

Check Order Process

  1. Download and print the service order form HERE.
  2. Mail the completed service order form along with the check to the following address:

    773 Long Meadow
    Spring Branch, TX 78070

  4. Once we receive your payment, we will send you a receipt via the email associated with your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can we get a W9 form?

If you require a W9 form, please send an email to, and we will provide you with the necessary form within 24 hours.

We have a practice today. Can I access the video now and send the payment later?

Yes, you can. Simply call us at 210.380.7459 with your username, and we will upgrade your account immediately, allowing you to access the video. Please ensure that you send your payment promptly to avoid any disruptions in service.

My district needs a quote or estimate. Is it possible to obtain one?

Yes, we can provide you with a quote or estimate within 24 hours. Please send your request, along with your information, to We will promptly respond with the documentation you require.

My district requires the use of a purchase order. Can we use one?

Absolutely! For more information on using a purchase order, please visit THIS PAGE.

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